Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Fern and Miro

Sometimes i get a bit jaded by the horse industry. I used to think everyone wanted to be a great horsemen, i could train my horses beautiful to be happy, obedient and competitive mounts and people would appreciate there brilliance. 

Ive since learned thats not exactly the case. Lots of people want to win a ribbon and forget the fact that the what they are riding is an animal. I always wanted to understand these creatures better, train them better and be a better horsewoman. This isn't everyones goal. 

It can be disheartening to watch horses you've sold regress with a new rider through no fault of your own or the horses.

So when you see horse horses go on to be loved and progress once they leave your hands its a refreshing change. 

One of the kids i teach brought Miro off me about six months ago, it has been a pleasure to watch them succeed   together. With Miro going to his first shows and turning into a much loved pony. 

When i decided i would not have time or finances  to compete my much loved Fern this season, i knew a young rider who would benefit from getting to ride a slightly more experienced horse. So Fern joined Miro. 

Brilliant results both horses get attention and love rained down on them, far more than they would get with me, being one of many horses i ride and work with each day. The girl get to compete at a high level and gain valuable experience, more than she would have with just young Miro. I have less horses to feed and expenses and i truly enjoy seeing my horses doing well and watching young riders that have the same passion as i do for learning and understanding horses.

So heres some picture from Miro and Fern out competing with Darby

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Bad blogging

I think I'm turning into a bad blogger.

Over the last year I've barely managed a post a month. It's not that I've lost interest or I'm not working with wild horses just that so many crazy adventures have taken up my time. That and I've been so busy writing different articles for a magazines that the last thing I feel like doing is sitting down and typing some more.

I've gotten a bit off track as well. With 1000km races across Mongolia, aid work in the slums of India, some half marathons to run, in the last 18 months my life has started to veer in a slightly different direction than just working with horses. A direction I have to say I'm really enjoying.

However my passion for horses remains, and its this combined with my desire to keep learning and improving that has taken me to all these amazing places.

Also my drive for adventure and to push myself that little bit further has set me down a course I hope doesn't change any time soon. 

My plans for the future do include wild horses, but not just solely my home country anymore. There are so many wild places left on earth, cultures that rely still on our equine friends, places for me to explore and the possibilities are endless. There are also a few other things like marathons, training camels and potentially some crazy motorbike adventures I need to cross off my list in the near future too.

But I haven't forgotten my ponies. In fact I've just returned from Equidays where Sonny was used for a breaking in demonstrations, he was fantastic. I spoke about my adventures in Mongolia and have started planing what horses ill be taking more rom 2014 muster. Next weekend it will be debut time for some of the other wild ones, with Matariki off to his first show. Basically everything is flat out as usual around here.

I hate being a bad blogger....I'm going to try and get better again. If you've got an idea for a blog post or something you want to know about please let me know, I'd love some inspiration for future posts
 and to reward some of you loyal readers who are still here through my virtual bloggers coma!

Get int touch